Institute Business Trends - IA

Artificial Intelligence is not going to steal your job, but the person who knows how to use it will

Artificial Intelligence is not going to steal your job, but the person who knows how to use it will

This was one of the insights shared by Frederick T. Wehrle, from the University of California, Berkeley, at a conference organized by the EAE Institute for Business Trends, at the campus of EAE Business School Barcelona.

Mark Baxa, the President and CEO at the CSCMP and FerniaCreek Global Supply Chain Consulting Group, received the Award for the Best Academic Partner, while John R. Fisher from Utah Valley University, was given the Award for the Best Paper.

The EAE Institute for Business Trends has held a conference in Barcelona that brought together academics and international experts on the impact of company reputation, welcoming over 70 participants from different business schools, universities, companies and institutions, form 10 countries on all 5 continents. Frederick T. Wehrle, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of California highlighted the figures published in the World Economic Forum Jobs Report 2023, which reveal that 83 million jobs will be eliminated by generative AI by 2028. However, he warned that “it is not Artificial Intelligence that it is going to take your job from you, but rather the person who knows how to use Artificial Intelligence”.

Moreover, the Vice-Dean of UC Berkeley added that “so far, digital natives have had an advantage over their more senior colleagues but, with AI, this situation is inverted”. Explaining his point, Wehrle emphasized that “the most valuable employees will be senior experts, with management skills, who communicate and lead like humans, and people who know how to use generative Artificial Intelligence”.

As well as Wehler, other participants in the different sessions and panels at the event included Amir Reza, PhD, the Senior Leader in International Higher Education at Babson College, who discussed the importance of education on entrepreneurship in a global world, and Paul Fadil, the Professor and Director of the Center for International Business Studies at the University of North Florida and the President of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, who focused on people management through Artificial Intelligence.

Other speakers included Araceli Castelán, a Professor at ITESM, TEC Monterrey, who shared the experience of her university, where they have developed the intercultural skills of future professionals using digital tools; Eva Prada, the Managing Director for Spain of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain, who discussed diplomacy in international business; and Carlos Cendros, the Director of HR at FC Barcelona, who talked about talent management.

Enric Ordeix, the Dean of EAE Business School Barcelona and President of the EAE Institute for Business Trends; Samer Ajour, the Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Programs at EAE Business School Barcelona, Antonio Rodríguez, the Dean of EAE Business School Madrid, and Montserrat Civera, the Academic Director of Planeta Formación y Universidades took part as the hosts of the event, which was held in the Ágora Hall at EAE Business School Barcelona.


Lastly, within the framework of the IPRA Golden Awards, which give recognition to the leading experts in communication and public relations, the EAE Institute for Business Trends presented its awards for the best partner and paper, which went, respectively, to Mark Baxa, the President and CEO at the CSCMP and FerniaCreek Global Supply Chain Consulting Group, and John R. Fisher from Utah Valley University.

"At the conference, we have seen how Artificial Intelligence is triggering substantial changes in people management, with the emotional aspect and values becoming increasingly important. Within this context, alliances between companies and educational and institutions take on an especially important role in terms of understanding advances in AI and humanizing its expansion and application throughout society", explained Enric Ordeix, the Dean of EAE Business School Barcelona.

The EAE Research Institute for Business Trends is a centre run by EAE Business School, which belongs to Planeta Formación y Universidades, that aspires to become a hub at which academic and applied research converge in the field of the study of business outlooks and trends. The Institute has three key areas of impact: at an academic, institutional and sector level.