Six of EAE Barcelona's Masters rank among the top 5 in their category in Spain, according to the QS ranking.
The prestigious international classification ranks the School's Master in Supply Chain Management in first place, the Master in Big Data in 3rd place, the Master in Finance and Master in Marketing both in 4th place, and the MBA and MIM both in 5th place in Spain.
Six Masters run by EAE Business School, which belongs to Planeta Formación y Universidades, have been classified in the top 5 in Spain in their respective categories in the QS ranking, the results of which have been published today. The features of these Masters most highly rated by QS are their value for money, diversity in the classrooms, and the level of employability of the students.
EAE’s Master in Supply Chain Management is the best in its specialist field in Spain, according to the highly respected ranking. Validated by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the program also ranks seventh in the world in its category for best value for money, as well as being highly rated for the diversity of nationalities and gender balance in its classrooms.
The Master in Management, named as the fifth bets in Spain, ranks in the top spot globally in its category in terms of value for money, indicating that it offers the best return on investment for a Master in the field of Management in Spain.
The QS ranking classifies EAE's Master in Finance as the fourth best Master in its field in Spain. The Master incorporates a Fintech track and ranks in 21st place in terms the value for money of the program.
EAE Business School’s Master in Marketing also ranks in fourth place in Spain. At a global level, the Master ranks seventh in the world in its category in relation to value for money.
With respect to the School's Master in Big Data, which covers everything from programming languages to decision-making based on data visualization and machine learning, the QS ranking classifies the program as the third best in Spain, also emphasizing variables in which all the EAE.
The QS ranking classifies the MBA run by EAE Business School as the fifth best MBA in Spain and one of the top in the world. The prestigious international classification ranks EAE's MBA in 43rd place in Europe and in the 121-130 band globally, highlighting the employability and professional progress of the students (alumni outcomes), as well as the diversity in the classrooms on the program. With respect to the indicator that measures the return on investment of EAE's MBA, the program's score has climbed by 14.52% compared to 2022.
Check out more of the ranking’s: QS Business Master’s Rankings 2024 | Top Universities