EAE Research Institute for Business Trends
Research, Innovation and Trends Search
The EAE Research for Business Trends, at EAE Business School, aims to become a leading center nationally and internationally, promoting an interdisciplinary approach Business issues or topics. This interdisciplinary approach should allow us to research from a variety of perspectives, overcoming fragmented study of problems. This approach is increasingly necessary because the most interesting research topics are frequently at intersections of different disciplines contributing to both the academic community and society.
Moreover, by putting the emphasis on joint research, the RIBT.EAE aims to build a bridge among academia and business practitioners through new and advanced knowledge to create value with emphasis on Sustainability, Innovation and Intrapreneurship, Transformation and Value Creation.
Research at EAE Barcelona
The EAE Research Institute for Business Trends is a recently founded institution that aims to support research in finding the best practices within the business sector by creating communities and networking amongst professionals, as well as educationally challenging the leaders of tomorrow, offering advanced and specialized education.
Who Are We
The EAE Research Institute for Business Trends is a recently founded institution that aims to support research in finding the best practices within the business sector by creating communities and networking amongst professionals, as well as educationally challenging the leaders of tomorrow, offering advanced and specialized education.
The aim of EAE´s Research Institute for Business Trends is to raise Academic Standards for all Faculty and improve the Teaching Quality through programs and areas of knowledg. Additionally, the institute aims to build a strong community of top-level academics.
The EAE´s Research Institute for Business Trends counts on one Research Group: Research, Innovation and Trend Seeking.
The research group handles three main areas:
- Business Development and Intrapreneurship
- Value Creation and Performance
- Innovation (Business and Teaching) as well as Digital Transformation
Scientific Output
Academic Publications
- Vila Bonilla, M; Álvarez-Miranda, E. Pereira, J. (2024). A branch, bound and remember algorithm for maximizing the production rate in the simple assembly line balancing problem. Computers and Operations Research, 166, 106597
- Clemente Almendros, J.A. Boldeanu, F.T., Ajour El Zein, S. (2024).Que el dólar deje de ser moneda de reserva mundial tendrá implicaciones geopolíticas. The Conversation
- Montalvo García, A. Ávila Vila. S. Longo, F. (2024). Modelo de trabajo colaborativo online desde la perspectiva socioemocional. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia
- Clemente-Almendros, J.A.; Boldeanu, F.; Drumea, C. Ajour El Zein, S. (2024) Deepening the understanding of redundancy procedures in a COVID-19 context: The Spanish case. AK Journals
- Cecilia García Castillo, C.; Maldonado-Villalpando, E.; Seguí-Amórtegui, L. Guerrero-García-Rojas, H. (2024) Circular Economy, Eco-innovation and Business in the Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Mexico. Resources
- Fuerte-Velázquez, D.; Seguí-Amórtegui, L.; Gomez-Tagle, A.; Guerrero-Garcia-Rojas, H. (2024). Avocado Water Footprint for Two Municipalities in Michoacán, Mexico: A Research of the Blue and Green WF. Agriculture
- Díaz Piñol, M. (2024). The 10 core habits of resilient people concept and tools for resilency and wellness professionals. European Business Review
- Fondevila-Gascón, J.; Huamanchumo, A.; Martín-Guart, R.; Gutiérrez-Aragón, O. (2024).El chatbot como factor de éxito comunicativo, demarketing y empresarial: análisis empírico. Correspondencias y análisis
- Sánchez-Torres, J.; López Correa, C.; Arroyo-Cañada, F.; Argila-Irurita, A.; Vila-Márquez, F. (2024). Analysing Credibility of Femvertising Campaigns: A Focus on Colombian Female Athletes, Sage Journals
- Fondevila-Gascón, J. (2024). Fórmulas programáticas de negocio para los medios de comunicación: nuevas vías de monetización. Ámbitos
- Fondevila-Gascón, J. (2024). Influencia del neuromarketing en la percepción de carteles publicitarios. Gráfica
- Clemente Almendros, J.A.; Ajour El Zein, S. (2024). Understanding De-Dollarization among BRIC nations: Systematic Review of the factors and fallout , Scielo Revista de Administração Contemporânea - Manuscript ID RAC-2024-0197.R2
- COVID - 19 Communication Management on Facebook pages of local governments
- Introversión y desarrollo competencial emocional en base a un Programa de Autoliderazgo en la Universidad
- The Role of Virtual Communication in Building an Intertwined Relation Between Business Resilience and Community Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Analysis of the simple assembly line balancing problem complexity
- Modelo de cuadro de mando para la gestión del talento. Estudio aplicado a una empresa de servicios
- Propiedades Psicométricas de un Cuestionario para evaluar el desarrollo competencial de Auto Liderazgo Socio-Emocional en la Modalidad Online de la Formación Superior Universitaria
- Effects of an Emotional Competence Development Program on University Students with High Scores in the Antagonistic Personality Trait
- Las nuevas tecnologías en los diferentes sectores de la sociead y su incidencia en los derechos de autor
- Technical–Economic Evaluation of Water Reuse at the WWTP El Salitre (Bogotá, Colombia): Example of Circular Economy
- Neuroticism and academic engagement: The mediating role of emotional regulation in higher education
- A branch, bound and remember algorithm for maximizing the production rate in the simple assembly line balancing problem
- Que el dólar deje de ser moneda de reserva mundial tendrá implicaciones geopolíticas
- Modelo de trabajo colaborativo online desde la perspectiva socioemocional. Online collaborative work model from a socio-emotional perspective
- Deepening the understanding of redundancy procedures in a COVID-19 context: The Spanish case
- STUDYING FC BARCELONA AS A CORPORATE BODY: How to Become a Global Entertainment Multinational in the Post-Covid Era
- LA INTRODUCCIÓN DE LA ECONOMÍA SOCIAL EN LOS CENTROS EDUCATIVOS: Especial referencia a las competencias sociales y cívicas
- Circular Economy, Eco-innovation and Business in the Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Mexico
- Avocado Water Footprint for Two Municipalities in Michoacán, Mexico: A Research of the Blue and Green WF
- Puig haurà de generar confiança a llarg termini per convèncer els inversors
- Pacheco Santillan, S. L. (2022).
Cultura preventiva sobre seguridad laboral de personal asistencial del centro de salud Potracancha, Huánuco-2019. - Martínez, N. O., Ledesma, A. S. T., Vila, S. Á., Montalvo, M. E. F., & Montalvo, F. J. F. (2022).
Análisis del impacto social (S-LCA) de la implantación del teletrabajo derivada de la pandemia por COVID-19. In Actas III Congreso Prevencionar 2021: Ciencia, conocimiento y transferencia (pp. 56-78). Seguridad y Bienestar Laboral SL. - Álvarez-Miranda, E., Pereira, J., Vargas, C., & Vilà, M. (2022).
Variable-depth local search heuristic for assembly line balancing problems. International Journal of Production Research, 1-19. - Yuraszeck, F., Mejía, G., Pereira, J., & Vilà, M. (2022).
A novel constraint programming decomposition approach for the total flow time fixed group shop scheduling problem. Mathematics, 10(3), 329. - Rodriguez-Rojas, M. D. P., Clemente-Almendros, J. A., El Zein, S. A., & Segui-Amortegui, L. (2022).
Taxonomy and tendencies in sustainable finance: A comprehensive literature analysis. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1297. - Ravenda, D., Valencia-Silva, M. M., Argiles-Bosch, J. M., & García-Blandón, J. (2021).
The effects of immigration on labour tax avoidance: an empirical spatial analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 170, 471-496. - Ravenda, D., Valencia-Silva, M. M., Argiles-Bosch, J. M., & García-Blandón, J. (2022).
Effects of the award of public service contracts on the performance and payroll of winning firms. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(1), 186-214. - Ravenda, D., Valencia-Silva, M. M., Argiles-Bosch, J. M., & García-Blandón, J. (2022).
The strategic usage of Facebook by local governments: A structural topic modelling analysis. Information & Management, 59(8), 103704. - González-Peláez, M., & Tomás, C. (2022).
El derecho femenino a la educación en la era de la globalización. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review/Revista Internacional de Humanidades, 11(Monográfico), 1-10. - Wanday, J., & Ajour El Zein, S. (2022).
Higher expected returns for investors in the energy sector in Europe using an ESG strategy. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 2056.
Book Chapters
- Neuroticism and academic engagement: The mediating role of emotional regulation in higher education
- Ruiz Lozano, D.; Barroso-Tanoira, F. (2024). La metodología COIL como alternativa global para el desarrollo de competencias interculturales y digitales. (pp.54-65) Avances tecnológicos en la educación y el aprendizaje. Ed. CIATA.org-UNACAR
- Seguí-Amórtegui, L. (2024). Seguridad hídrica en México. Aportaciones desde la Economía Circular e Innovación Transformadora. Desarrollo y sustentabilidad. Instituciones, gobiernos y sectores económicos estratégicos. Ed. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
- Ginesta, X.; Ordeix, E.; Payne, G. (2024). Studying FC Barcelona as a Corporate Body. How to Become a Global Entertainment Multinational in the Post-Covid Era. FC Barcelona. Ed. Taylor and Francis Ltd.
- Ballester, B. (2024). La introducción de la economía social en los centros educativos: Especial referencia a las competencias sociales y cívicas. Transformando la educación: la innovación como motor de cambio. Ed. Egregius
- Ballester, B. (2024). La falta de autoridad moral en las aulas y sus posibles implicaciones en la salud del docente. Transformando la educación: la innovación como motor de cambio. Ed. Egregius
- Ballester, B.; Ariso, A. (2024) La identidad digital de los menores y su efecto en su proceso de formación. Libro de actas del Congreso CODIPROCIN 2024. Vol. VI
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer (Strategic Research Center)
Reports and publications:
For EAE Business School, the dissemination of strategic knowledge to society in general and to the business community in particular is a priority objective.
For this reason, the Strategic Research Center (SRC) publishes monthly studies related to a sector of the economy or any other macroeconomic, demographic or sociological aspect of Spain or LATAM.
The studies are reproduced by a large number of national and international media and taken as a reference by companies and organizations.
Case Center:
EAE Business School Case Study allows professors to develop their knowledge of cases study research, covering all aspects of research design, translated into a case study research design.
- Juan Raga. (A) His personal and professional change process, Santiago Avila
- Juan Raga. (B) His personal and professional change process, Santiago Avila
- Juan Raga. (C). His personal and professional change process, Santiago Avila
- ING Brand: Green or Orange? Optimizing Brand Equity Value, Cristina Tomàs Perez, Samer Ajour El Zein
- JP Morgan Bank warns of climate change hit to corporate assets, Cristina Tomàs Perez, Samer Ajour El Zein
- CEMEX Takes Measures to Manage the Exchange Rate, Samer Ajour El Zein, Cristina Tomàs Perez
- BehaviorQuant (BQ): Get Ahead of the curve with Behavioral Financial Analytics, Samer Ajour El Zein Cristina Tomàs Perez
- Barclays Bank: Socially Responsible Investments, Samer Ajour El Zein, Cristina Tomàs Perez
Final Thesis Repository:
This section reveals all the thesis defended and will be available upon request.
Academic Events
III ed. Research Technical Conferences
This event will include the presentation of the book: "The future of Business: analysis and perspective"
- Date: March 20th, 2025
- Place: Room Ágora, campus Aragon 55
Other Academic Events:
- IV ed. Research Technical Conferences will be held in July
- Oct’25: Congress EAE Research Institute for Business Trends
More information
Specialized Research Training
- Aimed at: Faculty and Collaborators. Trainer: Bárbara de la Herrán
- Date and time: Wednesday, February 19th from 11:15 p.m. to 12:15 p.m. Teams
Innovation Activities
Establish support and collaboration actions that allow promoting and reinforcing the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation in students and academics with an international vision among the community of participating Academic Institutions, with a focus on digital culture and conscious entrepreneurship.
EAE currently participates with the TEC de Monterrey with their Hyperloop Program