Máster en Dirección Hotelera y de Restauración
- Full Time
- 10 months
- Spanish
Master in Hotel and Restaurant Company Management
Tourism is a hugely important sector in Spain, accounting for approximately 10% of GDP. Therefore, the hotel sector is particularly strong in the country, with 172 million overnight stays, more than 14.600 hotel establishments and a turnover of 13.5 billion euros.
On this Master, you will gain insight into all the tasks and functions that a Hotel Director performs, including the financial management, planning and organization of all the areas to ensure the smooth running of the establishment. Moreover, they are responsible for services such as reception, booking, restaurant and catering, maintenance and even the hotel’s marketing and advertising.
Tourism Service Management
In the international landscape, until the pandemic, tourism represented approximately 10.4% of global GDP, generating around 9.2 trillion dollars and 10.6% (around 334 million) of all jobs.
Today, the sector is once again on the rise, full of possibilities and with an endless capacity to reinvent itself. It is precisely within this context that the alliance between Ostelea Tourism Management School and EAE Business School Barcelona has been forged.
This strategic alliance strives to combine the social, economic and cultural development of the tourism industry with the knowledge required to nourish the international tourism market with innovative and sustainable business solutions.
Key Points
1. Top official Master
The best Official Master in Hotel Management in Spain according to the Eduniversal Best Masters ranking.
2. Learning Journeys
You will gain insight from leading hotels on critical current issues for the sector and the profession.
3. Key Tolls
Through comprehensive and specialized training, you will acquire the necessary tools to effectively manage hotel establishments, while we enhance your profile by focusing on innovation and managerial skills.