Smart Cities: Intelligent, sustainable cities with efficient mobility
The world's population increases every year, while resources are limited. Therefore, as we evolve, it is necessary to reinvent the way we live.
In Spain, 80% of the population lives in cities, and it is expected that by 2050, 85% of the world's population will live in cities. This presents significant challenges to be faced, such as energy supply, CO2 emissions, and automobile traffic, among others.
What should cities start doing to become Smart Cities capable of overcoming these challenges, while being sustainable and intelligent?
Some answers are e-mobility, greater use of renewable energy, smart buildings, a culture of smart citizens, etc. We will discover which cities are becoming Smart Cities and how they are achieving it.
We'll be joined by José Antonio Ondiviela, Western Europe Government/Smart Cities Solutions Director at Microsoft, who's gonna help us dig deeper into this new challenge."
At the end of the lecture, we will celebrate a snack in the same space.
We are looking forward to seeing you!