Positive Impact Rating EAE Business School

EAE Business School Barcelona consolidates its position in the Positive Impact Rating 2024

The international rating, which measures business schools’ commitment to sustainability, reaffirms EAE’s status as a Level 4 Transforming School.

Once again this year, EAE Business School Barcelona features in the Positive Impact Rating 2024 Report, a classification based on the students’ own opinions of the commitment to sustainability of their business School. In this fifth edition, in which students from 102 business schools in 34 countries on all five continents have taken part, EAE has consolidated its position in the rating’s level 4, which classifies the School as having a positive impact culture, integrated in its governance and systems, with visible results in several impact dimensions.

The mission of the Positive Impact Rating for Business Schools (PIR) is to measure how business schools create social impact through the dynamization of the school and its culture; teaching responsible leaders; and also being publicly engaged and a role model institution.

Based on the overall score achieved by a school, it is classified into one of five levels, based on its development in terms of social impact: Beginner, Emerging, Progressing, Transforming -EAE’s rating- and Pioneering.

The PIR’s student survey is based on 20 questions in seven dimensions: the school’s governance and culture; programs, learning methods and student support; the institution as a role model and public engagement.


This year, EAE Business School Barcelona has been highlighted as a success story in view of its commitment to training responsible leaders thanks to the recent creation of the School’s Sustainability Plan, directly linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Based on three key pillars, the Plan has been very well received and rated by the community of students at the School, as it promotes efforts to work towards a sustainable culture, leading the School to improve its position in the PIR 2024.

The People Impulse pillar accelerates the positive drive of the EAE community, which forms part of all the school’s dealings with its stakeholders. It is underpinned by a strong culture of diversity, with 70% international students from 103 countries, creating a multiplicity of ideas, origins and ways of life. Moreover, the School has implemented a grant and scholarship program to make executive education accessible to all groups, including female talent, entrepreneurs and students with a disability.

The Community Impact pillar fosters the positive impact of the student talent within the School, firstly in the classroom and later as EAE Alumni. This includes promoting innovative ideas with a positive impact on society and the planet. Within the framework of 4YFN (an event for startups at the Mobile World Congress), EAE organizes the Impact Awards, with the participation of over 100 high-impact entrepreneurial ventures from all five continents.

The Positive Relations pillar strives to boost social discussion and the creation of synergies between the key social agents to drive positive transformations. In this regard, with the aim of boosting innovation in society, EAE has devised a partnership plan with leading institutions such as Mobile World Capital Barcelona and Tech Barcelona. The primary aim of these partnerships is to boost the technological and digital skills of EAE students, putting them in contact with cutting-edge ecosystems in the city. The agreement with Tech Barcelona, which hosts the School’s entrepreneurship and innovation hub at Pier01, represents a significant milestone in terms of progressing in the School’s mission to generate synergies by bringing together its students’ talent and one of Europe’s leading innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. 

Applying these three pillars requires ensuring that ESG criteria form an integral part of the educational experience at EAE, as a prominent feature of all the challenges, practical activities, courses and Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. Moreover, we have consolidated our sustainability criteria in terms of research, with EAE leading the third edition of the Ibero-American Sustainability Observatory, which monitors sustainability on both sides of the Atlantic.

In addition, EAE Business School is proud to have a strong female representation (53% of students and 40% of lecturers), as well as running its own initiative to boost female talent: the Women Initiative EAE, which, every year, gives recognition to the Top 10 female entrepreneurs in Catalonia, with the aim of destroying the leadership gender gap. The initiative was a finalist in the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards, presented by two of the world’s most prestigious higher education associations.

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