Choose your training

  • mba


    Boost your career with an MBA at EAE Barcelona: where talent becomes leadership.

  • masteres


    Boost your career with a master's degree from EAE Barcelona, ​​the path to professional success.

  • grados


    Our university degrees are your first big doors to the business world.

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Our programs are distributed in 7 areas, choose the one that best suits your profile


Ready for the New World

Learning is a process of transformation in which we bring out the best version of ourselves and become something better than we were. Why? To launch ourselves into a future full of possibilities, albeit uncertain. A world in constant evolution that we do not know how it will be, but in which we will live better if we are prepared.

EAE Business School Barcelona encourages you to transform into your best version, to grow, and to be ready to become what you want to be.