Mastertalk - sostenibilidad

New insights to lead the change towards sustainability

Reducing pollution emissions, boosting renewable energies, recycling, etc.

These measures are all well and good, but a real commitment of an organization to sustainability goes far beyond isolated actions. It is a strategy that involves all levels of the organization and requires consistency in terms of behaviours and lifestyle. This transition is a real challenge and professionals are needed who are equipped to lead the way in line with the latest trends in this discipline. Are you up to the challenge? We invite you to take part in our upcoming EAE Mastertalk to discover new insights that will help you lead the change towards sustainability. Don’t miss it!



Bethlem Boronat

Director of EAE’s Master in Customer Experience & Innovation.

Past Events
open day grads

Open Day | Jornada Puertas Abiertas Presencial

Fecha: sábado, 22 de febrero
Hora: 10:30 a 12hrs
Lugar: C/ Aragó 55, Sala Ágora (6a planta) - Barcelona

INNOVATION WEEK - Exploiting AI for your presentations and work

INNOVATION WEEK - Exploiting AI for your presentations and work

Fecha: 5 de febrero
Hora: de 11:30 a 13:00hrs
Lugar: Calle Aragón, 28

Personal B

INNOVATION WEEK - Construcción de una Marca Personal Digital: LinkedIn y Redes Sociales

Date: Tuesday, 4th of February
Time: from 11:30h to 13:00h
Place: Campus EAE Aragó nº 28 - Room 201

Webinar: Estudiar en España, Trámites Legales

Webinar: Estudiar en España, Trámites Legales

Fecha: lunes, 3 de febrero
Lugar: online
Hora: de 16:00 a 16:30hrs

Mesa redonda El impacto social del Deporte

Dialogue session “The social impact of Sport”

Date: November 20, 2024
Time: 18:30hr
Place: Aragón 55, EAE Barcelona Campus

Marea rosa carrera mujer Barcelona

Women’s Race

Date: November 17, 2024
Time: 09:00 - 12:00hr
Place: Reina Maria Cristina Avenue. Barcelona

Alumnos EAE Barcelona 2023

Welcome Week october 2024

Date: October 22 - 26, 2024
Place: EAE Barcelona

Tecnologías disruptivas

Empower your future: Get ready to know professional career center

Fecha: 17 de octubre 2024
Hora: 17:00 - 17:45hr
Lugar: Online