Passport To Growth #2: Job Hunt Mindset & Tools
Are you looking for a job or an internship?
Do you want to improve your employability?
If your answer is YES, join us and challenger yourself with our experts!
Gostbusters: Myths and legends of the selection process | 9:00hs a 09:30hs | 502
Goal: Reviewing myths built around recruitment processess and assessments.
Trends in selection processes and personal interviews | 09:30hs a 10:30hs | 502
Goal: Expand your knowledge about recruitment process and assessment centers commonly used in Spain.
Speaker: to be confirmed
Group dynamics in the selection process | 10:45hs a 11:30hs | 502
Goal: Find out more about "What make the difference?" in a competitive labour market
Speaker: to be confirmed
June 14th, 2024
09:30h - 12:30h
Aragón Street 55, Campus EAE Barcelona