Open Day | Jornada Puertas Abiertas Presencial
Open Day | Jornada Puertas Abiertas Presencial
¡Descubre todo lo que EAE Barcelona tiene preparado para ti!
Si estás pensando en empezar tu carrera universitaria, nuestro Open Day Presencial es la oportunidad perfecta para conocer EAE Centro Universitario Campus Barcelona. Estamos aquí para acompañarte en este paso tan importante.
En esta jornada, podrás:
- Descubrir nuestros grados en ADE y Marketing, y nuestra metodología innovadora
- Explorar las salidas profesionales que te esperan.
- Conocer nuestras instalaciones en el corazón de Barcelona.
- Resolver todas tus dudas con nuestro equipo.
Sábado, 22 de febrero
De las 10:30 a las 12:00hrs
Calle Aragó 55, Sala Ágora (6º planta) – Barcelona
10:30 – 10:35 h: Bienvenida
10:35 - 11:05 h: Conoce EAE y nuestros grados universitarios
11:05 - 11:15 h: Conoce al equipo de Student Experience
11:15 - 11:25 h: Descubre tus futuras salidas profesionales con nuestro Career Development Center
11:25 - 11:30 h: Ronda de preguntas
11:30 - 12:00 h: Aperitivo y networking

Annual Alumni Reunion 2022
Exclusive event for former students of the School. A place to reconnect with old classmates and professors, where they will have the chance for networking and learning about new trends in the business sector thanks to different expert presentations.

EAE’s Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia
At this event, we will announce the top 10 female entrepreneurs in Catalonia, as chosen by organizations that promote innovation and entrepreneurship at a government and association level, as well as investors, specialist press and experts from EAE Business School Barcelona. After the presentation of the 10 finalists, drinks will be served and attendees will have the chance to network.

Focused Program | Internet of Things and 5G: the great B2B revolution
The advantages of 5G are many and varied, the most notable of which is its connection speed, which can even be faster than fiber optic connections. This will contribute to organizations that use the Internet to carry out their operations, from essential processes such as communication between people or management of cloud environments, to more specific processes such as collection and analysis of Big Data or use of business intelligence tools and even in relations with their stakeholders. Learn more about this important topic in our next Focused Program, we are waiting for you!

Focused Program | Internet of Things and 5G: the great B2B revolution
The advantages of 5G are many and varied, the most notable of which is its connection speed, which can even be faster than fiber optic connections. This will contribute to organizations that use the Internet to carry out their operations, from essential processes such as communication between people or management of cloud environments, to more specific processes such as collection and analysis of Big Data or use of business intelligence tools and even in relations with their stakeholders. Learn more about this important topic in our next Focused Program, we are waiting for you!

Welcome Week 2022-2023
Monday 17th October marks the start of the Welcome Week at EAE Business School Barcelona at the School’s Aragó, Tarragona and Mallorca Campuses. Over the course of the week, a range of activities will be run to welcome the new students starting their Master programs in October. The activities include program presentations, cultural visits and teambuilding events designed to help the new members of the EAE community get to know the School and their classmates.

Welcome Week 2022-2023
La semana del 17 de octubre se celebrará la Welcome Week en EAE Business Barcelona...

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