Tarcila 3

EAE Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia

II Edition of the EAE Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia

After the great success of the first edition, EAE Business School Barcelona is once again giving recognition to the top 10 female entrepreneurs in Catalonia, based on the analysis of an expert panel of judges from the Catalan entrepreneurial ecosystem. The 10 finalists will be announced on 15th November.

This year, the School has also created a pioneering survey on female entrepreneurship in Catalonia with the aim of the becoming the leading study of reference on this topic in the Catalan region. This report has been prepared with the collaboration of 32 partners, including Acció, Foment, Barcelona Activa, Tech Barcelona, Pimec and Fabrik, to name just a few.

EAE Barcelona Business School



Within the framework of Women’s Entrepreneurship Month, on 21st November, an award ceremony will be held at EAE Business School’s Ágora Hall in Barcelona to present the finalists.
mujeres emprendedoras


November 21, 2023


Sala Ágora at EAE Business School in Barcelona. 

The event will be attended by the judges, students on the Master in Entrepreneurship and members of staff, lecturers and directors at the business school.

In addition, at the event, EAE will present its report of the results of the survey on entrepreneurship in Catalonia.




  • AEEG- Associació d'Empresaris i emprenedors de Girona
  • AGE Girona Associació Gironina d'Empresaris
  • Asociación Blockchain Catalunya / Women Leaders in Technology
  • Barcelona Activa
  • Barcelona Health Hub
  • Bcombinator
  • British Chamber of Commerce en España
  • Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
  • Cambra de Comerç de Terrassa
  • Club Empresadores
  • Digital Fems
  • Dones que inspiren
  • Foment del Treball Nacional
  • Innobaix - Agència d’Innovació i Coneixement del Baix Llobregat i L’Hospitalet
  • JCI Catalunya- Junior Chamber International
  • Mobile World Capital

  • We Rock Capital
  • PaoCapital
  • Upbizor
  • AtticoLab
  • Fabrik Ventures

  • Fundación La Caixa
  • Tech Barcelona
  • Ecodicta
  • Womenalia
  • Startsud.cat

  • La Vanguardia
  • Expansión
  • The New Barcelona Post
  • Onda Cero Catalunya
  • Via Empresa

  • Frontwave
  • Diversity APPs
  • SocialDiabetes
  • MeetOptics
  • LactApp
  • Venvirotech
  • Circoolar
  • Zeena
  • The Smart Lollipop

  • Director General
  • Women Initiative
  • Director de EAE ENTREPRENEUR
  • Director de Incubation Program
  • Director of Talent For Impact
  • Decano
  • Director de Marketing y Comunicación
  • Director del Máster de Emprendimiento 

  • Jibu
  • Plastiks
  • Presidente de Alumni

Top 10 female entrepreneurs in Catalonia

An idea spearheaded by the EAE Women Initiative Barcelona.

As an initiative of the new Diversity and Gender Commission, within the framework of the School’s Sustainability Plan and the Women Initiative, EAE Business School Barcelona has organized the EAE Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs in Catalonia.

A total of 25 projects were evaluated by a jury of 43 people, including professionals from the Catalan Government, Barcelona City Council, Acció and Barcelona Activa, as well as from companies, specialist associations, consultants, mentors, investors, influencers and journalists among others.


LOGO TOP 10 negro