EAE Business School Barcelona receives the EFMD’s BSIS (Business School Impact System) certification

Only three business schools in Spain have received this accreditation and EAE Barcelona is one of them.

EAE Business School Barcelona, which belongs to Planeta Formación y Universidades, has recently received the BSIS certification (Business School Impact System) of the EFMD, the European Foundation for Management Development, the leading certification body of educational institutions specializing in business management. Only three business schools in Spain have earned this accreditation and EAE Barcelona is one of the them.

The BSIS assessment measures seven dimensions of the  impact of higher education: financial, educational, business development, intellectual, social, image and the impact within the regional ecosystem.

“A certification like the BSIS assessment is testament to the hard work and efforts of EAE Business School Barcelona to give its students the best experience and create impactful profiles, working with different stakeholders, in an ecosystem as rich and dynamic as the city of Barcelona”, explained Jorge Irigaray, the General Secretary of EAE Business School Barcelona.



The assessment highlights several impactful best practices that EAE Barcelona has in place, such as the EAE Alumni mentoring program, the range of lifelong learning programs on offer, the mentoring service before students start the Master, the challenges, real-life projects, the facilities of EAE Barcelona’s entrepreneurship hub at Tech Barcelona, the opportunities to work with Babson, the chance to take part in Erasmus programs and the internship opportunities with various companies.  

BSIS rates EAE Business School Barcelona as an open, flexible school that incorporates the suggestions of the different stakeholders in its syllabuses. The stakeholders themselves see EAE Barcelona’s collaborations and partnerships as a fundamental feature of the brand and crucial to its status as a talent hub, as specified in the BSIS report.



According to the certifying body, the aspect that students most value about EAE Barcelona is its innovative, entrepreneurial spirit. In this regard, 15 entrepreneurial ventures have been developed by the School and, as such, the School is acclaimed as an important source of talent in the region.

BSIS also highlights how strongly rooted the School is in the city of Barcelona and its whole area of influence, as well as its capacity to make an impact in the region. According to the accrediting body, Barcelona gives students access to key decision-makers and EAE Barcelona has close ties to key players in the regional ecosystem, such as Tech Barcelona, Barcelona Health Hub and Mobile World Capital.



In terms of its impact on sustainability, BSIS emphasizes that EAE Barcelona generates a virtuous circle of impact through its teaching, business and research activities. In fact, the School’s CSR research has become a practical case study implemented throughout its own Masters and CSR policies.

Moreover, as a signatory of the PRME, the School embraces its commitment to the SDGs, in terms of both its internal and external stakeholders and specifically throughout the PRME community.