TALENT EAE Barcelona 2024: Connecting is business
Connecting is business
Conectar nos hace avanzar, nos impulsa a cambiar, y nos lleva a innovar.
Por eso, desde Professional Impact Unit #PIU hemos organizado el mayor evento de Networking y Empleabilidad junto a las 100 empresas líderes del ecosistema Barcelona.
Miércoles 17 de abril de 2024
¿A qué hora?
10:00 - 17:00h (con tres turnos de asistencia)
Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Carrer d'Aragó, 255. Barcelona, España
EAE Barcelona Podcast : People Matters - Explore how to excel in the professional world with valuable tips straight from the experts.
Mobile World Capital - Barcelona, a leading talent hub in Europe.
Dive into Barcelona's dynamic professional scene and find out why it's a standout destination in Europe.
PDPAOLA - Young Talent Program
Discover exclusive opportunities for young talent in an industry leading company.
Primavera Sound - Creat a Barcelona
Learn how creativity drives success in the entertainment industry.
Grup Raventós Codorniu
Uncover the history and success story of an iconic brand in the world of winemaking.
Gallina Blanca GBfoods – Celebrating Local Flavors
Explore how an international company celebrates the diversity of local flavors.
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