Path Executive CEO X1 Day: Become a SUPER CEO
This is the exclusive path for executives and is composed of two sessions, being this workshop the first one.
Taking these two workshops makes you eligible for the outstanding prize of experiencing 1Day with one the Banc Sabadell's Executives.
Join this workshop guided by the Executive Headhunter Jaime Ozores to achieve your best version.
Learn how to become a SUPER CEO to lead not just your project but your life.
Language English
A session to explore, challenge yourself and put in value the CEO that lives within you.
Key note speaker Jaime Ozores
· Headhunter
· Experto en la Búsqueda, Evaluación, Formación y Desarrollo del talento directivo y Consejeros/ Consejeras. Consultor de Liderazgo.
· Profesor Asociado en IE Business School Madrid (Instituto de Empresa), HTSI ESADE-Universitat Ramon Llull, EAE Business School, ESIC Business School y Grupo CEF-Udima.
Especialización: Digital Transformation, Asesor en los procesos de internacionalización de empresas españolas, e-Commerce & Entrepeneurship, Hospitality/Tourism & Leisure, Sports & Gaming, Consumer & Retail (FMCG). Talent Management. Recruitment Consulting, Management Assessment y Global Executive Search.
April 3th
At what time?
17:00 - 20:00hr
EAE Barcelona Campus - Sala Agora. Calle Aragón 55
The second workshop will take place the 5th of April