EAE Business School Barcelona beca a dos alumnos por su excelente expediente académico
Las dos becas que se han concedido son al mejor expediente académico y a la mujer directiva con mejor expediente académico
EAE Business School Barcelona, perteneciente a Planeta Formación y Universidades, ha concedido dos becas a dos estudiantes que han destacado por su buen expediente académico a lo largo de su trayectoria: Dang Vu Thi Nguyen del Master in International Business, e Ignacio Andrés Peña Bengoa del MBA.
Durante el acto de entrega, el decano de EAE Business School Barcelona, Enric Ordeix, resaltó: “Con estas becas, EAE Barcelona reconoce la capacidad de estos alumnos en la gestión del tiempo, la disciplina y el esfuerzo, la motivación y el interés por aprender y la resiliencia. En definitiva, son una inspiración para todos nosotros”.
Por su parte, las becadas mostraron su alegría y gratitud al recibir sus respectivas becas. ‘’Creo que esto no solo significa un premio para mi pero también motivación e inspiración para los otros alumnos’’, señaló Dang Vu Thi Nguyen al recibir la beca a la Mujer Directiva. Ignacio Andrés Peña se mostró muy agradecido ‘’por el aprendizaje recibido y ansioso de volver a su país a aplicar todos los conocimientos recibidos’’.
Este año se han concedido dos becas. La primera ha sido a la excelencia académica, que reconoce a los alumnos que demuestren un desempeño extraordinario y pueden acreditar una nota media de al menos 8,5 sobre 10 en sus estudios. La segunda beca ha sido a la mujer directiva que valora su expediente académico, su potencial directivo, las responsabilidades asumidas y los cargos ocupados a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional.
EAE Business School Barcelona awards grants to two students for their excellent academic record
The two grants were awarded for the Best Academic Record and the Executive Woman with the Best Academic Record
EAE Business School Barcelona, which belongs to Planeta Formación y Universidades, has awarded grants to two students who have excelled with their fantastic academic record over the course of their studies: Dang Vu Thi Nguyen, from the Master in International Business, and Ignacio Andrés Peña Bengoa, from the MBA.
At the award ceremony, the Dean of EAE Business School Barcelona, Enric Ordeix, emphasized that “With these grants, EAE Barcelona acknowledge these students’ great capacity in terms of time management, discipline and effort, motivation, the drive to learn and resilience. In short, they are an inspiration to all of us”.
For their part, the outstanding students expressed their joy and gratitude at receiving their respective grants. “I think that, more than just an award for me personally, this is a motivation and inspiration for students”, explained Dang Vu Thi Nguyen when receiving the Executive Woman grant. Ignacio Andrés Peña also expressed his appreciation “for the learning I have received. I am looking forward to going back to my country to apply all the knowledge I have acquired.
This year, EAE has awarded two grants. The first was the Academic Excellence Award given in recognition of students who have displayed outstanding performance and can accredit an average grade of at least 8.5 out of 10. The second grant was the Executive Woman Grant, which evaluates the candidates’ academic record, executive potential, responsibilities held and positions held over the course of their career.